One Roll
May 2014
Presented by Robert McCurley
Assignment: Shoot a roll of medium-format film and turn in one print for each frame on the roll.
In these days of digital photography, we can shoot as many frames as we want. We are limited only by the amount of space on our digital media and/or the duration of the event we're photographing. For this assignment, each photographer shot one roll of medium-format film and turned in one print for each frame on the roll. Those who didn't own a medium-format camera had to figure out how to gain access to one, learn how it operated and then complete their roll. "Accidental" frames and frames that were poorly exposed were printed the same as the "intentional" frames.
With just one roll of medium-format film — which is typically between 12 and 16 frames — the photographers were required to slow down and carefully consider each frame, taking into account the composition, focus and exposure.
Nicholas Dantona
Jerry Park
Robert McCurley