How Photography Enhances Travel
By Southlight Salon
Southlight members weigh in with their thoughts about photography while traveling.
Nick Dantona
In studying the Masters of Photography, one quickly discerns certain commonalities. Many speak of their use of photography as a tool or process of discovery, especially self-discovery. To take photography with you traveling is to commit to an intent of being aware, focused and present. Photography teaches you to dispense with preconceived notions of place or culture and be open to the possibilities and realities presented. As a photographer you know that a record is being made and that later you will be forced to evaluate your relationship to your surroundings. Photography as a travel companion is an honest but somewhat cruel teacher in this regard. One will learn whether it was ego or genuine curiosity that was the finger on the shutter release.
Alternatively, and the practical flip-side of this equation of taking photography along with you, is the special research, planning and preparation it requires. Certain locales are remote or inconvenient. Certain environments are extreme and require careful consideration specific for photography. So, having photographic equipment along for the ride will focus your intentions and determine strategy and logistics.
With any luck, and in most cases, not much goes according plan. And that right there is how photography enhances travel. One’s reactions to these challenges are what create the true memories and the real discoveries.
Walk on…